
The New Baseball

     We are moving into March and that brings a few things to mind.   First it means that we are closing in on Tax Time.  April 15th will be here before you know it, and depending on who you are and how you are paid on your job, it's either  a time to look forward to a refund or?.... dread having to pay up to Uncle Sam.   Or, if you live in the East or the Mid-West  section of the country, you will perhaps start to see the first signs of spring!  My good friend Janice,who lives in Michigan, just sent me a picture of some Robin's flying and frolicking in her yard.  She said her Dad always said when you started  seeing the Robin's , it was a sign that winter was almost over.  I always thought that Robin's toughed out the winters and didn't fly south.    I would be a liar, if I said a  small  part of me hasn't lost some respect for Robins now.   I thought them of much tougher stock you know?.., like Cardinals and Blue Jays..... but they do migrate south when the we